What is SuspAct

SuspAct was founded by Boudewijn Evenhuis while working in design, testing and setup of motorcycle suspension on the world championship level. 

SuspAct motoGP Suspension Tuning During this time it was clear to him that good motorcycle suspension can only prove itself when proper data is reviewed and used improve the chassis.

Click here to view the SuspAct Product Manual

Many race teams struggle to understand the effect of the changes they make to the race bike. It is clear that balancing chassis setup is the key to improving your motorcycles performance. At the time there was no software publicly available for comparing chassis dimensions and motorcycle geometry. Because of this, Boudewijn started programming the SuspAct software we offer to you now. This is the first software of this kind offered to the general consumer that includes bike dimensions and suspension forces available for purchase. SuspAct software has turned in to a practical tool that is easy to use, with very powerful functions.

SuspAct geometry software enables you to:

  • Calculate and compare the geometry setup of 5 motorcycles
  • Analyze parameters that effect steering and handling of the motorcycle.
  • Analyze static suspension forces

The SuspAct geometry is developed in a racing environment. This means that the software is easy to use with a practical approach. Changing one thing at a time is the first rule you learn in motorcycle setup, but:

Q: How many parameters change when you "only" change the shock length?

SuspAct software forces you to work in an accurate way and work in one direction with your setups. While using the software you learn about which items are important for the handling characteristics of your bike.

SuspAct is now available to North American customers exclusively through Graves Racing Services.

Changing tire size

The first video is about how to adjust for changing to a different sized front tire. With SuspAct Motorcycle geometry software we can see all the effects of just changing front tire size.

New track and gearing

Which parameters change on our bike when we change gearing and how can we react on this?

Import settings

With SuspAct you can import your settings from your Excel setup sheet. This helps you a great deal in working faster and more efficient at the track.

Installing SuspAct M00

Skip steps 1 & 2 for new installations

Before starting your installation make sure you have saved and un-zipped the SuspAct_M00-13.zip file to your computer. The file is located here:Right Click Here "Save Target As"

  1. Back up files that are stored in your SuspAct program files directory
  2. Remove any older versions of SuspAct from your computer : Setup -> configuaration -> remove software
  3. From cd or installation directory find : Start setup (.exe)
  4. Start SuspAct M00

Note: A printer has to be installed on your computer, or else you will get an error message.